Monday 7 January 2019

Make your Guitar, the Guitar of the Month

You like playing the guitar, but have you ever thought of making one by yourself. You might be surprised to know that most DIY Guitar Kits Canada ists have made their own guitars some time in their lives. 

You might think that it is easier to buy one when you have so many good varieties available. However, the satisfaction that you get when you make your own guitar is simply out of this world.

So, if you wish to make your guitar, the guitar of the month, go ahead and buy yourself a DIY guitar kit.

How to make your Guitar

Making your guitar from the scratch is no rocket science. You can do it even if you are not an expert. However, you need to follow the instructions given to you in the DIY kit.

Besides the tools and equipment in the kit, you will need the following finishing materials:

Sanding paper

Guitar soldering kit

Screwdriver kit

Following the instructions of assembly, you can make the guitar of the month. You need to be creative with the skin that you choose for your guitar and other aspects to get the title.

How to select the DIY Guitar Kit

As there are several DIY guitar kits available, choosing the best one would surely require some research and effort. You can look for an electric guitar kit as that is the most popular option.

You can choose the kit depending upon your decision of the type of guitar you want to make. 

The next factor in choosing the guitar kit would be your budget. As there are several types of kits available, the best one would be that suits your pocket.

Pros of building your Guitar

While many would be comfortable buying a guitar from the market, others would find it pretty reasonable to make one of their own. Here are some more advantages of making a guitar by you:

Price: First, the guitars that you create are much cheaper as compared to those that are available in the market.

Customization: When you are making your own guitar, you are customizing it as per your requirement. Every inch of the guitar is being made as you require it to be. It will be as unique and complete as you want it to be. 

Right from the wiring to the tail piece, everything is done like the way you want it to be. It is difficult to find a highly customizable guitar in the market.

Rewarding Hobby: Making your own guitar can be the most rewarding experience as you learn all along the way. The first guitar might be a frustrating experience but once it is complete, you will love yourself more for what you created.

You can add your creativity to the Guitar of The Month and put in features and accessories that make it the guitar of the month. Usually the companies selling the DIY kits organize this competition where they reward the best guitar made out of their kit. Earning this title can be a great experience altogether.

How to Choose the Right Guitar Pedals

There are umpteen choices when it comes to picking the right guitar pedals. You can choose them according to their categories and the ones that suit your requirements. It depends entirely on your preference to build a high-end pedal board, a flexible board or a budget friendly one. 

The best way to decide upon the right guitar pedals Canada is to ascertain what is required from the rig and tone. Are you the type that looks for something easy and quick? Or are you a perfectionist that is ready to dial and tweak each effect to get the perfect tone? When these things are clear, picking the right pedals would be easier.

Distortion Pedals

Depending upon your requirements, you can get distortion pedals for vintage style music, metal music or classic rock. The idea is to use the good distortion pedal in the right manner so that you get the right inspiration. Live performances can be transformed with the right distortion. 

Looper Pedals

Every guitarist should have a looper pedal. It is a tool for practicing and is also very helpful if you are jamming or songwriting. When playing the guitar, the looper pedal helps you experiment and you will be surprised at what all can be done with the pedal. You can experiment with various harmonies and get a melody that is surprising even for you as well.

Delay Pedals

An effect that is very essential and is mostly used by all guitarists is the Delay. This effect is essential for guitarists as it helps them add such effects to the playing. The delay pedals can help you create an atmospheric texture, thicken the lead guitar or set up such rhythms which would not have been possible otherwise.

You can choose the delay pedal to add the delay time as required. You can either dial the delay time or control it by the seconds that you want the delay.

Wah Pedals

To get the most expressive effects from your guitar, you must use the Wah pedal. This pedal has been instrumental in so many songs and guitarists from all generations have used it to make their music sound better.

The wah pedal can be added to get some vocal like qualities and clearer sound. This pedal can make a lot of difference to your playing and not using it can make you miss so much. 

You can choose a wah pedal that suits your pocket as there are so many types available. Guitarists, whether beginners or skilled must use the wah pedal according to their qualification and get the right effects.

Fuzz Pedals

These are type of distortion pedals that became highly popular during the 60s and 70s. Being similar to distortion pedals, they are different to them in so many ways. These pedals are very versatile and used by modern day guitarists as well. You can get the best gain tones with these pedals.

Choose the right pedals or a combination of them to get the best sound.

How to Choose the Right Guitar Pedals

There are umpteen choices when it comes to picking the right guitar pedals. You can choose them according to their categories and the ones that suit your requirements. It depends entirely on your preference to build a high-end pedal board, a flexible board or a budget friendly one. 

The best way to decide upon the right guitar pedals Canada is to ascertain what is required from the rig and tone. Are you the type that looks for something easy and quick? Or are you a perfectionist that is ready to dial and tweak each effect to get the perfect tone? When these things are clear, picking the right pedals would be easier.

Distortion Pedals

Depending upon your requirements, you can get distortion pedals for vintage style music, metal music or classic rock. The idea is to use the good distortion pedal in the right manner so that you get the right inspiration. Live performances can be transformed with the right distortion. 

Looper Pedals

Every Guitar Machine Heads Canada should have a looper pedal. It is a tool for practicing and is also very helpful if you are jamming or songwriting. When playing the guitar, the looper pedal helps you experiment and you will be surprised at what all can be done with the pedal. You can experiment with various harmonies and get a melody that is surprising even for you as well.

Delay Pedals

An effect that is very essential and is mostly used by all guitarists is the Delay. This effect is essential for guitarists as it helps them add such effects to the playing. The delay pedals can help you create an atmospheric texture, thicken the lead guitar or set up such rhythms which would not have been possible otherwise.

You can choose the delay pedal to add the delay time as required. You can either dial the delay time or control it by the seconds that you want the delay.

Wah Pedals

To get the most expressive effects from your guitar, you must use the Wah pedal. This pedal has been instrumental in so many songs and guitarists from all generations have used it to make their music sound better.

The wah pedal can be added to get some vocal like qualities and clearer sound. This pedal can make a lot of difference to your playing and not using it can make you miss so much. 

You can choose a wah pedal that suits your pocket as there are so many types available. Guitarists, whether beginners or skilled must use the wah pedal according to their qualification and get the right effects.

Fuzz Pedals

These are type of distortion pedals that became highly popular during the 60s and 70s. Being similar to distortion pedals, they are different to them in so many ways. These pedals are very versatile and used by modern day guitarists as well. You can get the best gain tones with these pedals.

Choose the right pedals or a combination of them to get the best sound.

How to choose the Best Luthier

Luthiere is a specialized woodworking skill that makes the wood, create music. Luthiers are specialist woodworkers that know about the intricacies of wood and instruments and how to repair them.

The woodworkers use the special Luthier tools that help them in getting the precise sound and music from the newly sculpted instrument. These Luthier Tools are typical in their use and must be used only by trained and skilled Luthiers.

Choosing the best Luthier

You have the instrument but it is not sounding as you want it to be. With so many repair shops available around you, it is difficult to pick the best one. You must find the right luthier that can rework the magic in your guitar. Here are some tips that can help you find the best luthier:

Full range of tools and supplies

The best repair company or individual is that which has the luthier supplies and tools. When looking for the best company having luthier tools Canada, you must research and find a company that has the entire range of tools.

You never know what tool will be required and therefore, choosing a well stocked luthier is recommended. 

Take references

Asking out other musicians and checking out associations is the best way to find the best luthier. Having reference from other musicians will narrow down your search and you will be able to find the right person quickly.

Credentials of the luthier

When you have a few names of luthiers with you, it is better to check their credentials. You can check whether they have attended any woodworking school or association. Checking the experience of the company and their learning skills will help you find the best luthier.

Qualification and Workmanship

The best luthier will never be out of work. As there are limited companies and individuals that repair guitars and other similar instruments, you must find a luthier that can give time to your instrument. Your instrument like guitar is your prized possession and you want to get it repaired by the best person for the job.

Check for the qualification and workmanship of the luthier by looking at his work. You can check the time the luthier has been in the repair business.

Attitude of the Luthier

Many gifted individuals are not socially pleasant. Such people often rasp at others, stop them midway from completing their sentence, keep correcting others and are abrupt. You do not have much to do with the attitude of the luthier as far as he/she is good at their job.

You need to be patient with such people so that they work on your instrument with care and precision as that is more important.  

You must remember that the Luthier Tools Toronto is the person that will mend your guitar or other instrument as you want it to be. You must choose your luthier carefully so that you get the best results.

Shortlist the best luthiers in town and then make your choice according to the tips given here.

How to choose the best Guitar Pickups

Before moving on to know which pickups are the best, it is important to understand what they are and how each affects the music that you play.

Bass Pickups can be defined as the object that transforms the vibrations of the string to electronic signals. The pickups are magnets that have wire wrapped around them. They are mostly used on acoustic and electronic instruments. 

To choose the right pickup for your guitar, you must go through the given questions here:

Pickup Fitting

Different guitars have different setting for the pickup. You can choose from the humbucker pickups or the single coil ones. You can find a wide variety of pickups based on the type of your guitar. Earlier guitar players modified the bodies of the guitar to suit the pickups available. However, now it is easier to get a pickup of any size that you want.

Type of music played

There are no set patterns when it comes to music and picking the pickups. There are various styles of Seymour Duncan pickups and the type of music that you play would define the choice of the pickup. 

The choice of the pickup based on the type of music played will depend on how often does the guitarist play clean or plays distortion. For those that play aggressive and loud music, the high output pickups are ideal as they generate the distorted tones easily. 

For those that play the clean sounds, the moderate pickups are ideal. These are more versatile as well and can be used in combination with distortion pedals or with amp settings to get high sound.  

It is possible to get distorted sounds with moderate output pickups and clean sounds with high output pickups. 

Type of Wood Used

The best way to pick the right Seymour Duncan Guitar Effects Canada is by checking out the wood that the guitar is made up of. You must choose the pickup that complements the wood’s natural tendencies. 

Woods like ash and maple make the guitar sound bright. If you wish to highlight this quality further, you can use pickups that brighten the sound. Alternatively, you can use warm sounding pickups to counterbalance this brightness of the sound.

Mahogany and rosewood give the guitar a warm sound. You can counterbalance the warm sound with bright sounding pickups or use the warm sounding pickups to emphasize the warm soundness of the wood. 

Tonal quality that you wish to hear
You can choose a pickup that drowns or deemphasizes the acoustic tone that annoys you. You can first listen to the unplugged guitar’s sound and then make a choice of the pickup accordingly.

If you are too stressed out to decide the right pickup according to the type of guitar you have or as per your playing style, you can take the help of the experts. You can choose online wizards that will consider your playing style, your guitar material and other factors to give you the right pickup recommendation.

How to choose the best Guitar Amps?

Choosing the best guitar amps will not be an easy task considering the wide variety of options available. As you go along searching forums and blogs, you will find that each person has a different perspective when it comes to choosing the best amplifier for the guitar.
There are certain factors that can help you find the best guitar amps. These factors are as follows:

Type of sound required

The requirement of the best guitar amps Canada would depend largely upon the type of sound that you require. The tone that you need could be heavy metal, crunchy blues, clean jazz or all of these. 

You can choose particular amps if you seek a special type of tone as amps are generally designed to produce a particular tone. Nevertheless, you can go for modeling amps that are versatile and can provide what you need.

Type of Venue 

The location where you will be playing your guitar holds a lot of importance when it is about choosing the best guitar amps. 

Big sized amps might be loud and good to sound but they are a waste if you are going to play in an enclosed space. 

Different locations have different watt requirements. The solid state amps are ideal for most occasions as they do not have valves and sound equally good whether played quietly or loudly.

This is not the case with a 100-watt amp as it would be more suitable to a live band playing in the open. Such an amp would not be able to produce good sound when played at low volume.

When playing live with a drummer at a smaller venue, amps with 40-60 watt is enough. 

Amps with Effects

Most amps have effects in-built. Whether you need them or not is your choice. But if you do not need the effects, there is no point spending money on an amp that has loads of effects. 

If you wish to have effects on the amp, choose those that you want and that they sound good. The control of the amp should be easy by way of a push button or by a foot controlled button.

Sound of the amp

One of the greatest things to watch out for when looking for the ideal Luthier Supplies Canada is the sound. You want to pick the right amp and the one that you choose should sound good. 

Instead of just purchasing the amp by seeing it, buy after hearing it. Plug your guitar and play along to get the sound that you wish to hear. If the amp is not giving the output that you desire, it is probably not the right choice.


The right type of amp can give you the type of sound and tone that you desire. However, a wrong choice can ruin the entire exercise. Therefore, see and hear carefully before you purchase the guitar amp.

Search for sources online and get the best guitar amps for your requirement. Your might have to search a bit but it is worth the Best Guitar Kits.