Friday 13 September 2019

Left Handed Guitar Kits: Do They Exist?

It’s a known fact that being lefty in a world designed for the right-handed makes it challenging to navigate through life. With only 10% of the world being left-handed, it’s no surprise that accessibility for the nondominant handedness is far less than its counterpart
The same thing can be said for musicians who are left-handed. While it is said that creativity stems from being a lefty, one hindrance is that musical equipment sometimes favors the right-handed. Beloved guitars make it harder for lefties to adapt to the string arrangement, creating an awkward learning experience for them. Stores don’t have guitar displays for lefties, and it’s even harder to swap guitars with bandmates because, well, left just don’t go with right.
Thankfully, some guitar brands have recognized this issue and have sorted it out by releasing models specifically designed for the lefty. Here are a few things we know about lefty guitar kits, and what you should check out before buying one.
Advantages of Left-Handed Guitars
Some bigger brands might think left-handed musicians are misfits, and so they quietly ignore the fact that these people actually exist, and are pretty great at what they do. It’s the reason why a lefty who sees a guitar lying around won’t be able to pick it up and play because chances are, the guitar is right-handed. It’s not easy to be a lefty guitarist, but there are a few pros to it:
  • Lefty guitars can last longer. It’s not science; just the fact that not anyone can pick up a lefty guitar and play it, unless they are indeed a lefty. If you are a lefty guitarist, you’ll have the guitar to yourself. No need to worry about other people breaking it.
  • Having a lefty on the band can provide variety and great symmetry on stage. It would also be an amazing sight to see someone playing the guitar differently for once, making it more memorable for the audience.
  • Left-handed guitars are really rare, and so they can only increase in value, especially if kept in mint condition.
Left-Handed Guitar Kits
It’s quite sad to note how little the choices are for left-handed musicians when it comes to guitar kits. The low demand for left-handed kits make manufacturers hesitant to produce this equipment on a bulk basis. Also, they run out so quickly once new kits are released on the market. Even so, there are some that come with a right-handed nut or an inferior timber, and these add to the already complicated situation lefties are in.
So, should you start learning to play right-handed? Absolutely not! There are kind-hearted companies that make guitar kits completely suited for left-handed people. The key is to find one that fits your style, and possibly might be customized for your liking.
Finding The Right (Or Left) Guitar Kit For You
As a lefty, you might be worried about guitar kits that would fit you. Luckily there are companies that roll out lefty guitar kits that you will definitely be wanting to cop. For example, Line6 Canada have lefty models so that lefties can have more choices when it comes to guitars. These are standardized to make guitar playing and learning an enjoyable time for lefties.
Also, there are DIY options offered via the LP guitar kit. They have a complete set of guitar essentials for left-handed people, making it a truly memorable experience for a lefty guitarist looking to build a guitar on their own.
For more information on the “Left Handed Guitar Kits,” check out our guide on Best Guitar Kits

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